Maxi Stubs: Delivering maximum benefit for PE pipe projects

Maxi Stubs: Delivering maximum benefit for PE pipe projects

If you’re undertaking a HDPE pipe system upgrade or refurbishment, Maxi Stubs are an essential fitting to include on your project’s spec sheet.

That’s because this one handy fitting — comprising a hybrid stub flange and backing ring — offers two unique solutions.

Not only do Maxi Stubs allow you to upsize your pipe work, but they also enable PE to be easily specified with PVC, steel or ductile pipe flanges — both essential requirements for PE pipe upgrade and refurbishment projects.

“A Maxi Stub will allow for at least one size increase of PE pipe while using the same-sized steel flange and pattern, and they also allow you to closely match PE pipe to other pipe materials at higher PN ratings,” Nathan Craig, Director of Advanced Piping Systems said.

“These features make Maxi Stubs perfect for upgrade and refurbishment works.”

At Advanced Piping Systems, we’ve been stocking Maxi Stubs for more than 30 years.

Our team of specialists can help you understand their unique benefits and features to maximise outcomes on your next PE pipe project.

A real plus

Using Maxi Stubs to upsize your pipework “is a real plus”, saving you both unwanted turbulence, and cost, Nathan explained.

“When using valves with a poly pipe, the nominal bore or ID of the valve is much bigger than the inside diameter of the pipe.

“By using a Maxi Stub, valve sizes can be reduced to match the poly ID, saving cost and also reducing valve turbulence.

“Turbulence can create pressure loss, increase wear and produce valve resonation and noise.

“So, a Maxi Stub solution helps solve this issue.”

Maxi Stubs offer a host of other benefits too, including a greater sealing area, and mitigating pipe rotation and warpage.

“With a full sealing face – utilising the full face of the flange – Maxi Stubs give you a greater sealing area,” Nathan said.

“Another benefit is that Maxi Stubs lock the flange into the bolts, halting pipe rotation caused by ground movement and heaving, or plant vibration.

“Plus, the steel flange support means there is no potential for the flanges to warp, as there are no voids under the backing flange.”

More than meets the eye

At a quick glance, Maxi Stubs often look similar to other fittings, such as a stub and backing ring or a full-face stub combination.

However, Maxi Stubs can be customised to suit a range of unique applications.

“The backing ring/flange can be supplied in galvanised 316 stainless steel, and we also offer special flange options such as fusion-bonded, epoxy coated and super duplex stainless steel as well,” Nathan said.

“Each size has its unique difference.

“Some stub flanges will be a full-face drilled type, or some can just utilise a larger ID backing ring.

“Elongated Maxi Stub flanges can be used with electrofusion fittings, or buttwelded to other spigot fittings as required.”

Advanced Piping Systems stocks Maxi Stub flange blanks in every size up to 630mm.

“We stock them as blanks so we can drill them to the flange table required – whether ANSI150, Table E, Table D or 4087 specifications,” Nathan said.

“Our Maxi Stub flanges are machined from PE100 hollow billet — the same material the pipe is extruded from.

“Being extruded from hollow billet, our Maxi Stub flanges are void free, and have the same melt flow index as PE100 pipe.

“We can supply these with elongated spigots for electrofusion welding or short spigot buttweld type.”

Before kicking-off your next HDPE pipe system upgrade or refurbishment, explore Advanced Piping Systems’ range of Maxi Stubs and request a quote from our knowledgeable and experienced team.

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